The Benefits of Offering Both Print and eReceipts

Electronic receipts, or eReceipts, are purchase confirmations sent to the customer’s email address. Retail giants like Apple, Macy’s and Old Navy offer them to their customers. The technology is gaining ground – the National Retail Federation estimates that digital receipts will be adopted and offered by 60 percent of retailers by 2016 – but some…


The Key to a Successful Kiosk Implementation

Kiosks have recently gained popularity in a variety of business environments, including retail stores, restaurants, airports and movie theaters. Newer technologies like web-based applications and wireless connectivity have made them a flexible, cost-effective investment. To ensure a successful kiosk implementation, follow the following steps: Consider your environment Most kiosks include a cabinet, CPU, display device…

Merchants Angry After Swipe Fee Ruling

Merchants Angry After Swipe Fee Ruling

For several years, merchants have aspired to reduce the costs their customers have had to pay for swiping their debit cards. If you’re in the restaurant or retail industries, you have probably heard the recent buzz surrounding the swipe fee ruling – and you’re probably wondering what it will mean for both your business and…

Clou based POS solution

The Top 5 Benefits of a Cloud POS Solution

Many businesses are under the impression that implementing cloud POS software means ditching their existing system entirely and trading their traditional terminals in for tablets and handheld devices. That isn’t true. Cloud computing doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. It can be as simple and seamless as your retail or restaurant business requires. Cloud…
