A group of people playing gambling in a casino.

Benefits of Technology in the Casino Industry

3 Ways Technology in the Casino Industry Can Be Your Ace in the Hole In the digital age, technology is reshaping our daily lives—and entertainment is no exception. Thanks to technology in the casino industry, the modern gaming experience looks a lot different than it did even 10 years ago. From streamlined gaming to personalized…

New Employee Receives Training At Delicatessen Checkout

The Role of All-In-One POS Systems in Modern Restaurants

Technology can transform slow, labor-intensive procedures into streamlined and efficient processes. In the restaurant technology space, the powerful tool needed is the right all-in-one POS system. This solution has taken restaurant businesses to new heights by seamlessly integrating various aspects of the restaurant into a single platform. An all-in-one (AIO) offers restaurants unprecedented versatility and…

Retail Tablet 2

From Brick-and-Mortar Technology to Hybrid: How Kiosks and Tablets Bridge the Gap in Retail

Many brick-and-mortar retailers know that consumer behavior is changing, and more customers are no longer drawing a distinction between online and in-person shopping. Savvy retailers are embracing a hybrid technology approach by incorporating kiosks and retail tablet solutions in their stores. You probably have a number of questions about how to implement this brick-and-mortar technology…

Revolutionizing Retail: The Rise of Interactive Kiosks

Revolutionizing Retail: The Rise of Interactive Kiosks

We all know customers today are built differently. The definition of a perfect shopping experience is changing for everyone. Many customers want interaction while they are shopping, but that doesn’t always mean interacting with other people. Since most of your customers spend large portions of their day interacting with technology, they are increasingly accustomed to…

Edge Ultra Kiosk

Top Three Benefits of Kiosks in Restaurants

What are the biggest pain points you’re dealing with as a restaurant owner? Where are you seeing holes in your business model? The most common ones include: Staffing: Labor shortages continue to plague an industry that historically already had a high turnover rate. Order Errors: If you’re still using an old-school pen-and-paper ticketing system, you’re…